Calico Cat - Detail, Amazing Pictures and Interesting Facts That Will Make You Fall in Love

Of all the different varieties of cat, Calico cats are some of the most popular around the world. Due to their colors, this cat is also often known as the tortoiseshell cat as the pattern on their coats resembles that of the shell of a tortoise. The distinctive markings and other features of these cats that make them particularly interesting in comparison to other cat varieties. Calico cats also have an unusual history and they are of great interest in many fields of science.

Personality and Temperament
There are usually scientifically documented studies about the behavior and personality of each cat breed. Contrary to popular belief, calico cats are not a specific breed in their own right, but rather cats with a certain fur color pattern.
This is why we can't actually tell how calico cats behave. Calico cats are very different from one another and engage in different behavior.
Documented behavior and personality of calico cats is therefore subjectively gauged by the owner's consensus, rather than scientific studies.
Given their mysterious behavior, getting a calico cat is particularly exciting. You could expect a laid-back, mellow type that will enjoy your comforting and portray loyalty, but you could also get the exact opposite: a cat with an attitude that can be a handful to take care of.

Calico Cat

The great thing about getting a Calico kitty for a pet is that you can choose not only the signature tri-colored looks, but also the lifespan expectancy. Some Calicos live up to 18-20 years (American Shorthairs), whereas others have a shorter lifespan of 12-15 years (Persians). Depending on the breed of your Calico you can find yourself in the company of a life-long fluffy friend.

Calico Cat

Calico cats are very popular all around the world. One may think they are specially bred because of their popularity, but it is not so. Whether or not you will have calico kittens is always a gamble. Chances of having calico kittens can be increased by either mating black and orange cats or using calico females. However, coloration pattern still remains to be a product of sheer luck. This may lead you to think price of calico kittens are higher than those of regular kittens. This is not true. Professional cat breeders rarely aim to produce calico kittens because it is so based on luck. On other side, many cat owners end up having calico kittens and not wanting to keep them, so it is not rare to see them even be given away for free.
As of today, it is still impossible to pass on calico fur patterns via cloning. This is because of one of the X chromosomes� random inactivation, an effect called x-linked inactivation. Some scientists ponder on the possibility of this phenomenon's more widespread influence on the future of cloning, as all female mammals have two X chromosomes.

Calico Cat

Which Breed Is a Male Calico?
Male calico cats have distinctive tricolor coats, but they are not a separate breed. In fact, as many as 16 different cat breeds can have calico coloration, and male calicos can occur among any of those breeds. Some of the more common breeds that may have calico coloration are:

  • American Shorthairs
  • Maine Coons
  • Persian cats
  • Scottish Folds
  • Japanese Bobtails

Male calico cats are the offspring of parents that represent many breeds. While female calico cats are quite common, true male calicos are rare and of particular interest for their unique coloration.

Calico Cat

How Rare Are Male Calico Cats?
Male Calico cats are pretty rare.They tend to live shorter lives than female calico cats because of their unique chromosomal makeup.
The good news is that 99.9% of calico cats are females because of this unique genetic makeup. But, put worries aside, because just like with any cat, a calico cat can live longer than average if provided the best health care.
You should provide your cat with good shelter, feed him or her with a nutritious diet, and provide him or her with a solid health care plan.

Calico Cat

Interesting Facts:
  • Calico cats are considered as lucky charms in many cultures around the world and there's a strong belief that good fortune will come to the family that keeps them.
  • Calico cats are believed to be migrated from Egypt.
  • People in the United States address calico cat as money cats.
  • Calicos are The Official State Cat of Maryland.
  • Calico cats are meant to be only females and just 1 out of the 3000 born is a male.
  •  Japanese Maneki-Neko figurines are based on Calico cats.
  •  A calico cat with a black coat and distinctive white markings is known as Tuxedo Cat.
  •  Pudge the Cat is one of the most famous celebrity cats, and she is a Calico Cat.
